Amber Waheed

Lawyer Coach
AW Coaching

Recommendations: 8 

Packaging & Pricing

Strategic Intervention Coaching and Prism Brain Mapping are valuable business investments for lawyers who want to make a positive change in their business and career progression.

Tier 1 - Complimentary Consultation (30 minutes)

  • Analysis and basis for coaching and mentoring to identity emotional intelligence, natural strengths and areas for potential development strength
  • Discussion around the program and some of the major issues facing lawyers today

Tier 2 - Prism Brain Mapping Assessment (starter)

  • Executive profile – a leadership assessment to ensure you have the right leaders for your business
  • Emotional Intelligence report to understand your style of communication and interactions
  • 360 assessments for personal development
  • Team dynamics and conflict resolution
  • Career and succession planning 

Tier 3 - Legal Team Diagnostics (mid tier)

  • Customized, monthly, in-house team workshops allowing all law firm/team employees to work together to enhance effective communication skills
  • Develop emotional intelligences, listening skills, strategy skills
  • Focused training programs to give employees the skills to sell, manage clients and manage themselves
  • Balancing strengths and weaknesses within the team

Tier 4 - Team Strategy Day (high ticket)

  • Bi-annual, off-site leadership development programs
  • Developing Teams to create high performance with successful collaboration
  • Creates harmonious working environment between lawyers and their support team

Tier 5 - Private, 1-on-1 Coaching (premium) 

  • Contracted, focused program with problem-solution sets, leading to results and change
  • Develop business skills and goals
  • Career development