Amber Waheed

Lawyer Coach
AW Coaching

Recommendations: 8 


AW Coaching delivers incredible value to lawyers and law firms. We help you achieve commercial success and increase your client base and income. Our professional lawyer coaches guide you to develop behavioural skills and advance your legal career. We support you through various phases of your career. Our program focuses on problem-solution sets, where we analyze the problem you are facing and find your ideal solution.

Proven Results

Here are some success stories from different clients we have helped:

Retirement Partners

  • We identify problems, such as determining post-work journeys, finding higher purpose, or developing new skills.
  • A Prism Brain Mapping (PBM) profile reveals behaviours to prepare strategies and a plan of action.
  • The result is we identify areas to address and skills to build. We build confidence in skill sets and help you repeat past successes.
  • Our approach involves walking you through the PBM profile and setting up a plan for coaching, which may involve training and selecting a mentor.

Senior Partners

  • We help senior partners deal with issues such as mental and emotional health, burn out, work-life balance and how to be a leader.
  • Your PBM profile will describe mental toughness and emotional intelligence to overcome challenges. We will examine core traits and aptitudes to determine your leadership style.
  • You will achieve stability and preparedness for dealing with work and life challenges, a more effective and efficient performance, and confidence in your behaviours.
  • We provide you with coaching on readiness and self-management, guidance for business and personal communication skills, and analysis of scenarios.

Career Lawyers

  • We assist career lawyers with problems such as unclear career goals and structure, dealing with fears, and managing managers.
  • Your PBM profile looks at career development and work environment, as well as your preferred behaviours.
  • Our coaches help you build a career plan, list areas to be addressed, and help you achieve smooth business and personal communications.
  • We lead you to success through a clear coaching plan with goals and timelines, mentorship, workshops and training.

Head of Department / Team Lawyers

  • Our coaches help you develop skills in management, listening, and relationships.
  • We complete 360 and team diagnostic reports and help increase your awareness of behaviours.
  • You will develop competencies through training, role play, and on-the-job observation.

New Recruits / onboarding Lawyers

  • We help new recruits and onboarding lawyers with fitting in, developing social intelligence, and enhancing business skills.
  • Our team will teach you how to adjust to a professional and social culture. We connect you with market knowledge, networking, events, and experts in the subject matter.
  • You will become more knowledgeable and aware, and therefore more successful.
  • Our approach incorporates onboarding buddies and real-life scenarios.

HR Management / Administrative Teams

  • Our team helps HR managers and administrators retain lawyers and support staff and manage partners and lawyers, including their business expectations and emotional needs.
  • The PBM profile will be used to develop teams, work with communication styles and identify role models.
  • We help you create programs for new staff members to make them more productive and engaged, enhance structure for partners and alert managers to take action before a situation arises.
  • Our approach involves a strong support network with competent coaches, an inquiry into the performance management and review process, and personalized coaching and/or training plans.