Mark Doherty

Mark Doherty Coaching - Mind-Body Mastery

Recommendations: 5 

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Registration certificates

Trade License:
Active in Dubai

Regulated Professional Body:
Active in IFZA Dubai Free Zone

Personal training Level 3 and 4 (UK & International)
Body Type nutrition certificate (UK)
Former BTN Coach / Ben Coomber (UK)
MAC Nutrition Certified Nutritionist (UK / Martin MacDonald)
N1 Biomanics Theory and Practical (US)
Post graduate diploma in Performance Nutrition (IOPN) in progress

Our main goal in our Mind-Body Mastery online community is to help our clients to achieve fat loss, improve body composition all whilst improving their relationship with food. We aim to do this by helping educate each individual client on evidence-based nutritional information that is completely unique to them.

Client Profile

Anyone who wants to be educated on how to get the results they desire in a non-restrictive manner that will improve their optimal health and still help them achieve that desired look in the mirror.

Key Sectors

Sports & Fitness

Key Services

1-1 Personal Training
Online Personal Training